Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 1 to 12 - Năm học 2014-2015

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 1 to 12 - Năm học 2014-2015

I. The objectives of the lesson

- At the end of the lesson, students can :

have overall knowledge about the course

review grammatical knowledge : Present simple, present continuous

do grammatical exercises correctly : Give the correct form of the verb in the bracket

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Date of teaching : 25/08/2014
Period : 1
I. The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can : 
have overall knowledge about the course 
review grammatical knowledge : Present simple, present continuous 
do grammatical exercises correctly : Give the correct form of the verb in the bracket 
II. The procedures 
1. Warm up : Chatting 
2. Course introduction 
- Textbook: English 6, volume 1 is about 2 themes which are familiar with students are Our Communities and Our Heritage. English 6, volume 2 is about 2 themes which are Our World and Visions of the Future. Each theme is introduced through 3 units. After finishing each theme, students will have a review. The book is designed according to communicative target so that listening and speaking skills of the students are focused to develop. 
- Period: 3 periods/ per week 
- Test: Two oral tests, 4 written tests (two fifteen minute tests and two forty minute tests ) each term and end-of-term test each semester 
3. Presentation 
3.1. Present simple 
- Teacher elicits knowledge from the students 
- Teacher reviews the form of present simple and gives example 
 ( +) : S ( I/ you/ we/ they/ plural noun) + V 
 S ( He/ she / it/ singular noun/ uncountable noun) + V (s/es) 
 ( - ) : S ( I/ you/ we/ they/ plural noun) + don’t + V 
 S ( He/ she / it/ singular noun/ uncountable noun) + doesn’t + V 
 (?) : Do + S ( I/ you/ we/ they / plural noun) + V ? 
 Yes, I/ 	you/ we/ they / plural noun + do 
 No, I/ you/ we/ they / plural noun + don’t 
 Does + S ( he/ she/ it/ singular noun/ uncountable noun) + V ? 
 Answer : Yes, he/ she/ it/ singular noun/ uncountable noun + does 
 No, he/ she/ it/ singular noun/ uncountable noun + doesn’t 
 Example : I go to school by bike. 
 He doesn’t eat fish. 
 Do you like film? Yes, I do / No, I don’t 
- T asks for the use from students and give feedback 
 The use : Talk about habits, the truth, the fact 
 Signal words : Everyday, always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never
3.2. Present continuous 
- Teacher elicits knowledge from students 
- Teacher reviews the form of present continuous and gives example 
 (+) I am 
 You/ we/ they/ plural noun + V-ing 
 He/ she/ it/ singular noun/ uncountable noun 
(-) I am 
 You/ we/ they/ plural noun + not + V-ing 
 He/ she/ it/ singular noun/ uncountable noun 
(?) Am I 
 Are you / we/ they/ plural noun 	+ V-ing ?
 Is he/ she/ it / singular noun/ uncountable noun 
Answer : Yes, you/ we/ they are. 
 No, you/ we/ they aren’t .
 Yes, he/ she/ it is.
 Example : I am going to the market. 
 He isn’t learning at the moment.
 Are you studying ? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 
- T asks for the use from students and give feedback 
 The use : Talk about the action is happening at the time of speaking and plan in the future
 Signal words : Now, at the moment, at the present, right now
4. Minor test 
4.1. Give the correct form of the verb in the bracket in present simple 
I (be) ________ at school at the weekend. 
She (not study) ________ on Friday. 
My students (be not) ________ hard working. 
He (have) ________ a new haircut today. 
I usually (have) ________ breakfast at 7.00. 
She (live) ________ in a house? 
Where your children (be) ________? 
My sister (work) ________ in a bank. 
Dog (like) ________ meat. 
She (live)________ in Florida. 
4.2. Give the correct form of the verb in the bracket in present continuous and present simple
John (not read) ________ a book now. 
What you (do) ________ tonight? 
Jack and Peter (work) ________ late today. 
Silvia (not listen) ________ to music at the moment. 
Maria (sit) ________ next to Paul right now. 
How many other students you (study) ________ with today? 
He always (make) ________ noisy at night.
Where your husband (be) ________?
She (wear) ________ earrings today.
5. Homework 
- Prepare the next lesson : Unit 1 - My new school - Getting started 
Date of teaching : 26/08/2014
Period : 2
Lesson 1: Getting started- A special day
I. The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can : 
listen and read for specific information about a special day ( the first day of new school year) 
practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic "My New School"
II. The procedures 
1. Warm up : Chatting 
- Write on the board: A special day
- Explain the meaning of “ a special day” 
- Ask students to guess what the picture is about and the content of the conversation described in the picture 
2. Presentation : Vocabulary 
- Teacher asks students some questions : 
How many people are there in the picture ? 
What is Phong doing ?
Who are Vy and Duy ?
Why is it a special day for them ? 
- Give general introduction about the conversation described in the picture and asks students to listen and read to find out some new words 
- Provide some new words : 
be ex'cited about	(adj):	Phấn chấn, phấn khích ( translation) 
 wear	= put on (v) (v):Mặc ( gesture) 
 'uniform (n): Bộ đồng phục ( take example from the uniforms of students in class)
smart	(adj): Bảnh bao, nhanh trí ( translation) 
'heavy	(n): Nặng ( translation) 
- Ask students to listen and repeat the new words 
- Check new words 
3. Practice 
3.1. Listen and read and then decide the statements True or False ( page 7) 
- Introduce the statements in exercise a, page 7
- Ask students to have a quick look at all the statements and guess whether they are true or false 
- Let students listen and read again to decide the statements true or false 
- Ask students to exchange their answers 
- Check answers : 1.T 2.T 3. F 4. T 5. F
3.2. Find the expressions in the conversation. Check what they mean ( page 7) 
- Ask students to find and underline the expressions in the conversation 
- Ask students to practice saying these expressions 
- Ask students for the meanings of these expressions 
- Give explanation :
1. used to express surprise (negative)
2. "You'll find out
3. used to invite sb in
4. used to say "yes/alright"
3.3. Role –play ( page 7) 
- Introduce : Work in pair. Create short role-play with above expressions then practice them 
- Let students to work in pair to practice the example 
- Ask students to work in pair to create their own role-play with provided expressions
- Call on some pairs to practice and gives feedback 
3.4. Listen and read the poem ( page 7)
- Let students to listen and read the poem 
- Ask some comprehension questions about the poem: 
a. Who is the poem about?
b. Who is going back to school?
c. What does he have?
Key : 
a. It's about Nam.
b. His friend is.
c. He has nice shoes, new pens.
- Give guidance and example
 - Ask students to work in pair to create their own poems about their partners and then read aloud 
- Call on some students to practice and give feedback 
3.5. Match the words with the school things and then listen and repeat ( page 7) 
- Let students to listen and repeat the words 
- Ask students to practice the words 
- Ask students to write the correct words in the spaces and then exchange the answers with their partners 
- Check : 
1- b 2- e 3- j 4- d 5 - c
6- i 7- f 8- a 9- g 10- h
4. Production 
- Ask students to look around the class and tell what the school things are
- Call on some students to give their words 
5. Home work 
- Practice listening the lesson 
- Learn new words and school things 
- Prepare the next lesson : A closer look 1
Date of teaching : 27/08/2014
Period : 3
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can : 
use the lexical items related to the topic “ My new school”
use the combinations : to study, to have, to do, to play + Noun 
pronounce correctly the sounds /əʊ/ and /ʌ/ in isolation and in context 
II. The procedures 
play football
1. Warm up : Teacher writes the word “ school activities” on the board and ask students to list some examples 
study maths 
 do homework
School activities 
study English 
have school lunch 
2. Vocabulary 
2.1. Listen and repeat the words ( page 8)
- Play the recording and let students listen for the first time 
- Play the recording again 
- Call on some students to practice and correct their pronunciation 
2.2. Work in pair . Put the words in the part “ listen and repeat the words” into group ( page 8)
- Give instruction and example 
- Ask students to work in pair to do the task 
- Call on some students to give answers and give feedback 
- Check : 
School lunch 
2.3. Put one of these words in each blank ( page 8) 
- Give instruction 
- Ask students to work individually 
- Call on some students to write the answers on the board 
- Check : 1. homework 2. football 3. lessons 4. judo 5. science 
2.4. Write sentences about yourself using the combination above ( page 8) 
- Give instruction 
- Give example : I have English on Monday. 
- Ask students to write three sentences about themselves in their notebooks
- Call on some students to write their answers on the board 
3. Pronunciation 
3.1. Listen and repeat the words containing the sounds /əʊ/ and /ʌ/
- Give instruction how to pronounce two sounds 
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat 
- Call on some students to practice to check 
3.2. Listen to the words and put them into two groups /əʊ/ and /ʌ/
- Give instruction 
- Ask students to work individually 
- Play the recording and let students do the task 
- Ask them to exchange their answers 
- Call on some students to write their answers on the board 
- Check : 
3.3. Listen and repeat. Underline the sounds /əʊ/ and /ʌ/ you hear in the sentences ( page 8) 
- Give instruction 
- Play the recording and let students repeat sentence by sentence 
- Ask students for the sounds 
- Give feedback 
Key : 
1. They are going to open a new library. 
2. I’m coming home from school. 
3. His brother eats lunch in the school canteen. 
4. The new school year starts next month.
5. My brother is doing his homework.
6. He goes to the judo club every Sunday. 
4. Homework 
- Listen to two sounds again 
- Do exercises 1,2 ( page 3, workbook) 
Date of teaching : 30/8/2014 ( dạy bù sáng thứ 2 – 01/9/2014) 
Period : 4
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I. The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can : 
use the present simple and present continuous 
read e-mail and relate to the things they often do in real life 
II. The procedures
Warm up : Chatting 
Review ... /2015
Period: 98
The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can: 
use “ will be able to –V” to talk about ability in the future
ask and answer questions about ability in the past, at present and in the future 
II. Procedures
1. Warm up : Chatting about what students will do in year 8 
2. Presentation 
 ( + ) S + will be able to + V 
 ( - ) S + won’t be able to + V 
 ( ? ) Will + S + be able to + V ? A : Yes, S + will. / No, S + won’t 
E.g : Robots will be able to wake me up. 
3. Practice 
* Exercise 1 : 
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss do individually 
- Ask them to exchange their answers 
- Check : 
1. In 2030, robots will be able to do many things like humans. 
2. Will robots be able to talk to us then ?
3. Robots won’t be able to play football. 
4. Will robots be able to recognize our faces ? 
* Exercise 2 : 
- Give instruction 
- Give example : I will read an English book / I won’t speak English on the phone when I am in Year 8
- Let Ss write their sentences 
- Ask some Ss to write their sentences on board and then give feedback 
* Exercise 3 : 
- Give instruction : Ask and answer questions about activities in ex 2 
- Model with some students to give examples 
- Give form 
- Let pairs practice 
- Call on some pairs 
- Give feedback 
* Exercise 4 : 
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss do individually 
- Ask them to exchange their answers 
- Check : 1.couldn’t 2. will be able to 3. could/ can’t 4. won’t be able to 5. can 
* Exercise 5 : 
- Give instruction 
- Give example : 1. will be able to recognize 
- Let Ss do individually 
- Check : 2. can make 3. could do 4. can guard 
* Exercise 6 : Speaking practice 
- Give instruction : Talk about ability of Kitty 
- Model the activity with some able Ss : In the past, Kitty could lift heavy things. 
- Let Ss practice in pairs 
- Call on some pairs to practice 
- Give feedback 
4. Homework 
- Learn the lesson 
- Do homework in the workbook: Exercises 4, 5 & 6 , pages 41 & 42 - Unit 12 
Date of teaching: 4/5/2015
Period: 99
The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can: 
listen and understand the abilities of robots in the interview 
ask an answer questions about abilities of robots in the future 
II. Procedures
1. Warm up : Ask Ss about what they want robots to do in the future 
2. Listening : 
* Set the scene : Listen to the interview “ Technology and you” to know about the abilities of robots our friends in the world like 
- Let Ss listen to the interview 
- Ask Ss to exchange the answers 
- Check : 1. words 2. shoes 3. first 4. school 5. water 
- Call on some Ss to read aloud the passages 
3. Speaking 
- Give instruction : Work in groups and then interview your friends 
- Model with some able Ss 
- Call on some Ss to report 
- Give feedback 
4. Homework 
- Learn the lesson 
- Do homework in the workbook, Unit 12 –Part C
Date of teaching: 13/5/2015
Period: 100
The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can: 
read and understand the characteristics of a robot show 
talk about different types of robots and their abilities 
II. Procedures
1. Warm up : Chatting about robot show 
2. Before reading : 
* Vocabulary : 
space station (n) ( picture ) 
do the laundry (n) ( picture) 
improve (v) ( example) 
make tea (v) ( gesture) 
3. While reading 
* Exercise 1 :
- Let Ss find the words in the passage 
- Ask them to guess their meanings 
- Check 
* Exercise 2 : Comprehension questions 
- Go through the questions 
- Let Ss work in pairs 
- Call on some Ss to write answers on board 
- Check : 
1. A robot show 
2. Young people are 
3. The children like to see them 
4. There are worker robots, doctor robots and space robots 
* Exercise 3 : Complete the table 
- Give instruction 
- Ask Ss to read the text again 
- Check 
1. cook, make tea or coffee, clean the house and do the washing 
2. help children study, teach them English, literature, maths and other subjects , help children improve their English pronunciation 
3. build our houses, buildings 
4. help sick people 
5. build space stations on the Moon and other planets
4. After reading 
* Group discussion 
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 4 
- Review the use of “ will be able to + V” 
- Ask them to list as many abilities of robots as possible 
- Call on some representatives to report 
- Give feedback 
5. Homework 
- Learn the lesson 
- Do homework in the workbook, Unit 12- Part D
Date of teaching: 14/5/2015
Period: 101
I. The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can: 
listen and understand the conversation about abilities of robots in the future 
write a paragraph to support the idea that robots will be very useful in the future 
II. Procedures
1. Warm up : Chatting about the use of robots in the future 
2. Listening 
* Before listening : 
Exercise 1 : Agree / Disagree with the statements
- Let Ss read through the statements
- Ask them to give their ideas 
 * While listening :
Exercise 2 : Write the names of speakers 
- Give instruction 
- Let them listen and do the task 
- Call on some Ss to write answers on board 
- Check & give explanation : 2. Duy 3. Mi 4. Phong 5. Mi
Exercise 3 : T/ F statements 
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss read through the statements and guess T/ F : 
- Let them listen and check 
- Check : 1.F 2.T 3. T 4.F
* Post listening : Ask Ss to summarize the ideas Vy, MI and Duy agree and disagree 
3. Writing 
* Before writing : Complete the paragraph with suitable phrases
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss read the phrases and the paragraph 
- Ask them to discuss in group 
- Check : 1.b 2. a 3. c 4. d
* While writing 
- Give instruction 
- Go through the ideas and ask Ss for their opinions 
- Let Ss write the 1st draft 
- Collect some and give feedback 
* Post writing 
- Call on some Ss to express their thought about the use of robots 
4. Homework 
- Learn the lesson 
- Do homework in the workbook - Unit 12 – Part E 
Date of teaching: 15/5/2015
Period: 102
I. The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can review : 
vocabulary related to robots 
the use of “ will be able to / won’t be able to” , “ can / could” 
ask and answer questions about abilities in the past, at the present and in the future 
II. Procedures
1. Warm up: Chatting 
2. Vocabulary review : 
Exercise 1 : 
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss do individually 
- Call on some Ss to write answers 
- Check : 1. cut 2. lift 3. tea 4. laundry 5. do 
- Ask the whole class to read aloud the words 
Exercise 2 : 
- Give instruction 
- Have Ss underline key words 
- Let them do the task 
- Check : 1. guard 2. make 3. understand 4. recognize 
3. Grammar review 
- Review : S + will ( will not) be able to + infinitive 
 S + can + infinitive 
 S + could + infinitive 
Exercise 3 : 
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss do individually 
- Check : 1. will be able to 2. won’t be able to 3. will be able to 
 4. will .be able to 5. won’t be able to 
- Call on some pairs to read aloud the dialogue 
Exercise 4 : 
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss do individually 
- Check : 1. Will robots be able to make coffee in the future ?
 Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. 
 2. Could he ride a bike when he was in Year 6 ?
 Yes, he could./ No, he couldn’t. 
 3. Can you do the dishes ? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. 
Exercise 5 : 
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss write their actions 
- Model the activity with able Ss 
- Let Ss work in pairs 
- Call on some pairs and give feedback 
4. Communication 
* Exercise 6 : 
- Have Ss read the questions and answers 
- Ask them to match Q & A 
- Check : 1-c 2- d 3-a 4-b 
5. Homework 
- Learn the lesson 
- Do project part at home
Date of teaching: 20/5/2015
Period: 103
I. The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can review : 
sounds learned in units 10, 11 & 12 
lexical items related to recycling and environment 
the use of “ will” and conditional type 1 
language for speaking 
II. Procedures
1. Warm up : Chatting 
2. Consolidation exercises : 
2.1. Pronunciation 
Exercise 1 : 
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss listen to the words and do the task 
- Check : 1. A 2 . C 3. D 4. A 5. 
- Let the whole class listen and repeat
2.2. Vocabulary 
- Ask Ss to do exercises individually and then share their answers with their friends 
- Call on some Ss to write answers on board 
- Check 
* Ex 2 : 1. deforestation 2. air 3. noise 4. soil 
* Ex 3 : 1. recognize 2. guards 3. make 4. do 
2.3. Grammar 
* Ex 4 :
 - Elicit the form and the use of “ will” for future prediction 
- Let Ss do the task 
- Check and ask Ss for explanation 
1. will be 2. will use 3. won’t be 4. won’t need 5. will bring 
* Ex 5 : 
- Elicit the form and the use of conditional- sentence type 1 
- Let Ss do 
- Check and ask Ss for explanation 
Key : 1. If we continue to pollute the air , we will have breathing problems. 
 2. If we prevent deforestation , we will help animals and the planet. 
 3. If we recycle more, we will save a lot of materials. 
* Ex 6 : - Elicit the form and the use of “ might”
 - Let Ss do the exercises 
 - Check : 
Key : 1. might meet 2. will leave 3. will go 4. might visit 5. might go 
2.4. Communication 
- Ask Ss to do the exercise in pairs 
- Check answers : 1.a 2.c 3. b 
3. Homework 
-Learn the lesson 
- Prepare “ review 4 ” – part “ skills” 
Date of teaching: 22/5/2015
Period: 104
I. The objectives of the lesson 
- At the end of the lesson, students can: 
practice reading, speaking, listening and writing skills more 
review vocabulary and structures they have learnt 
II. Procedures
1. Warm up: Word puzzle 
2. Review 
2.1. Reading 
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss do individually 
- Check answers with partners 
Ex 1 : 1.A 2.B 3.C 4. D
Ex 2 : 1.A 2.B 3. A 4.A 
2.2. Speaking 
Ex 3 : 
- Give instruction 
- Ask Ss to work in pairs 
- Go around to give help if necessary 
- Call on some pairs to practice 
Ex 4 :
- Organize group work 
- Give instruction 
- Let groups discuss 
- Call on some Ss to present 
- Give feedback 
2.3. Listening 
- Give instruction 
- Let Ss listen for the 1st time 
- Let Ss listen and do the task 
- Check : 1-3-5-6 
2.4. Writing 
- Give instruction 
- Elicit vocabulary and structures for writing 
- Let Ss write their draft 
- Collect some drafts and give feedback 
- Let Ss modify and complete the writing 
3. Homework 
- Review the lessons for the 2nd term examinations

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