Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 10

Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 10

I. Put the verbs into the correct form( conditional sentences : type I or type II )

1. He might get rid of his cough if he didn’t smoke so much.

2. She will go to university if she studies harder.

3. The weather is too cold. If it were warmer, I wouldn’t mind going to the beach.

4. If she leaves the fish there, the cat will get it.

5. If you slept under a mosquito net , you wouldn’t be bit so often.

6. Would you like some cake ? No, thanks. If I eat the cake, I will be fat.

7. Ice turns/ will turn to water if you heat it.

8. If someone gave you a boat what would you do?

9. If we had a submarine now, we would use it to investigate the seabed.

10. It is too bad Lam isn’t here. If he were here, he would know what to do.

II. Vocabulary

1. To .a bad habit, such as smoking and gambling, is not quite easy to most of human being.(divide, overcome, reveal, investigate )

2. John’s father is a .scientist. He studies life in the sea. ( marine, undersea, submarine, organism )

3. In some countries, teenagers can live . of their parents if they want. ( dependently, independent, independently, independence )

4. The authority supplied the victims of the fire .food, clothes, and money.( on, for, to, with )

5. Pacific is the world’s largest ocean, covering one third of the Earth’s surface. ( A, An, The, 0 )

6. The existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment is called (biodiversity, challenge, rubbish, maintain )

7. He is always interested in the mysterious that lie beneath the ocean. ( over, under, above, on )

8. Sperm whale population are at risk due to hunting.( in danger, at hand, on purpose, in use )

9. Sea life has a strong on the composition of sea water. (challenge, information, investigation, influence)

10. They spent their childhood in a tiny fishery village by the sea. (small, enormous, big, large)

11. Oil spills are a great .to the undersea world. ( threat, threaten, threatened, threateningly )

12. For years, scientists in many countries . a lot of research to find a vaccine against AIDS. (are doing, will do, did, have done)


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I. Put the verbs into the correct form( conditional sentences : type I or type II )
1. He might get rid of his cough if he didn’t smoke so much.
2. She will go to university if she studies harder.
3. The weather is too cold. If it were warmer, I wouldn’t mind going to the beach.
4. If she leaves the fish there, the cat will get it.
5. If you slept under a mosquito net , you wouldn’t be bit so often.
6. Would you like some cake ? No, thanks. If I eat the cake, I will be fat.
7. Ice turns/ will turn to water if you heat it.
8. If someone gave you a boat what would you do?
9. If we had a submarine now, we would use it to investigate the seabed.
10. It is too bad Lam isn’t here. If he were here, he would know what to do.
II. Vocabulary
1. To ..a bad habit, such as smoking and gambling, is not quite easy to most of human being.(divide, overcome, reveal, investigate )
2. John’s father is a .scientist. He studies life in the sea. ( marine, undersea, submarine, organism )
3. In some countries, teenagers can live . of their parents if they want. ( dependently, independent, independently, independence )
4. The authority supplied the victims of the fire ..food, clothes, and money.( on, for, to, with )
5.  Pacific is the world’s largest ocean, covering one third of the Earth’s surface. ( A, An, The, 0 )
6. The existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment is called (biodiversity, challenge, rubbish, maintain )
7. He is always interested in the mysterious that lie beneath the ocean. ( over, under, above, on )
8. Sperm whale population are at risk due to hunting.( in danger, at hand, on purpose, in use )
9. Sea life has a strong on the composition of sea water. (challenge, information, investigation, influence)
10. They spent their childhood in a tiny fishery village by the sea. (small, enormous, big, large)
11. Oil spills are a great..to the undersea world. ( threat, threaten, threatened, threateningly )
12. For years, scientists in many countries . a lot of research to find a vaccine against AIDS. (are doing, will do, did, have done)
III. Put a tick if the sentence is correct and a cross if it is wrong. Correct if it is wrong
1. If you would come to my country, you would understand what I’m saying.
2. If I could travel round the world, I’ll go to Hawaii.
3. If you don’t be careful, you will lose your money.
4. You wouldn’t get wet if you have an umbrella.
5. I’ll buy a new dictionary when I get the money.
6. If I were you, I’ll a doctor.
7. He would go swimming if he knew how to swim.
8. You wouldn’t fail at the exam if you studied hard. 
9. If you pour oil on water, it would float.
10. If he didn’t talk so much, he could have finish his exercise on time.
Put Verbs in the correct tenses and forms
Many accidents (cause) by dangerous driving.
Cheese (make) from milk.
The roof of the building (damage) in a storm a few days ago.
There’s no need to leave a tip. Service (include) in the bill.
You (invite) to the wedding. Where did you go?
A new hospital just (build) near the airport.
The situation is serious. Something (must/ do) before it’s too late.
A decision (not/ make) until the next meeting next month.
Whales (hunt) for food and clothing.
More laws on environment protection (should/ pass).
His key (not/ find) yet. He can’t remember where he (leave) them.
Ann (look) very different now. When you see her, you (not/ recognise) her.
 Put words in the correct form
1. We can’t stop the ............... of plants and animals. (appear)
2. It is ............... to ride a motorbike in Vietnam without a helmet. (possibility)
3. My son’s study is ................ He often gets bad marks at school. (worry)
4. Man is ............... doing harm to the environment. (constancy)
5. A lot of money has been spent on ............... of the animals’ natural environment. (reconstruct)
6. Some people think that zoos are places where animals are ............... against their will. (prison)
7. The new law to ............... wildlife in Vietnam is going to be passed. (conservation)
8. Water ............ has become more and more serious due to the nuclear tests in the seas and oceans. (pollute)
Put the verb into the correct form 
1. We got to the station in time to catch the train. If we  (miss) it, we  (be) late for the meeting.
2. I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad. It (be) quicker if I (walk).
3. Mary and I weren’t able to go on a honeymoon. We (can/go) . away if my father (not /get sick) 
4. If she ( not/ fail)  one of her final exams she wouldn’t have had to spend part of the summer in college.
5. The accident was your fault. If you ( drive ) ..more carefully, it ( not happen ) 
6. It’s good that you reminded me about Ann’s birthday. I ( forget ) if you ( not remind ) me.
7. If you had worked harder, you ( pass ) .your final exam.
8. If you ( not ignore) .. my advice, you ( not get into ) trouble yesterday morning.
9. If you ( tell ) . me what was going to happen, I ( never do )  such a foolish thing.
10. I (not invite) . John to the party if I (know) . that you and he didn’t get along well with each other.
11. I got wet because I didn’t take my umbrella. However, I . (not/get wet) if I  (remember) to take my umbrella with me. 
12. I didn’t go into business with Sam. If I (go) . into business with him, I (become) ... a success. 
13. I’m doing the test very well now. I (not/do) .the test well if I (not/ revise) thoroughly last night.
14. The view was wonderful. If I (have) . a camera, I (take)  some photos.
15. I’m broke, but I (have)  plenty of money now if I (not/ spend) . so much yesterday.
Using the given information, make conditional sentences. Use if 
1. He didn’t prepare for the interview, so he didn’t get the job.
2. We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money.
3. I went to bed late. In the morning I felt tired.
4. The house didn’t burn down because the fire brigade came immediately.
5. We left the party late. So we couldn’t get a bus.
6. I took the job because I didn’t know how difficult it was .
7. The woman didn’t die because she received immediate medical attention.
8. Ann didn’t pass the entrance examination, so she wasn’t admitted to the university.
9. There was a test yesterday. You didn’t know that, so you didn’t study.
10. You got into so much trouble because you didn’t listen to me.
I. Put the verbs into the correct form( conditional sentences : type I or type II )
1. He might get rid of his cough if he didn’t smoke so much.
2. She will go to university if she studies harder.
3. The weather is too cold. If it were warmer, I wouldn’t mind going to the beach.
4. If she leaves the fish there, the cat will get it.
5. If you slept under a mosquito net , you wouldn’t be bit so often.
6. Would you like some cake ? No, thanks. If I eat the cake, I will be fat.
7. Ice turns/ will turn to water if you heat it.
8. If someone gave you a boat what would you do?
9. If we had a submarine now, we would use it to investigate the seabed.
10. It is too bad Lam isn’t here. If he were here, he would know what to do.
II. Vocabulary
1. To ..a bad habit, such as smoking and gambling, is not quite easy to most of human being.(divide, overcome, reveal, investigate )
2. John’s father is a scientist. He studies life in the sea. ( marine, undersea, submarine, organism )
3. In some countries, teenagers can live . of their parents if they want. ( dependently, independent, independently, independence )
4. The authority supplied the victims of the fire ..food, clothes, and money.( on, for, to, with )
5.  Pacific is the world’s largest ocean, covering one third of the Earth’s surface. ( A, An, The, 0 )
6. The existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment is called (biodiversity, challenge, rubbish, maintain )
7. He is always interested in the mysterious that lie beneath the ocean. ( over, under, above, on )
8. Sperm whale population are at risk due to hunting.( in danger, at hand, on purpose, in use )
9. Sea life has a strong on the composition of sea water. (challenge, information, investigation, influence)
10. They spent their childhood in a tiny fishery village by the sea. (small, enormous, big, large)
11. Oil spills are a great..to the undersea world. ( threat, threaten, threatened, threateningly )
12. For years, scientists in many countries . a lot of research to find a vaccine against AIDS. (are doing, will do, did, have done)
III. Put a tick if the sentence is correct and a cross if it is wrong. Correct if it is wrong
1. If you would come came to my country, you would understand what I’m saying.
2. If I could travel round the world, I’ll would go to Hawaii.
3. If you don’t be are careful, you will lose your money.
4. You wouldn’t get wet if you have had an umbrella.
5. I’ll buy a new dictionary when I get the money.
6. If I were you, I’ll would be a doctor.
7. He would go swimming if he knew how to swim.
8. You wouldn’t fail at the exam if you studied hard. 
9. If you pour oil on water, it would will float.
10. If he didn’t talk so much, he could have finish his exercise on time.
Put Verbs in the correct tenses and forms
Many accidents have been caused by dangerous driving.
Cheese is made from milk.
The roof of the building was damaged in a storm a few days ago.
There’s no need to leave a tip. Service is included in the bill.
You were invited to the wedding. Where did you go?
A new hospital has just been built near the airport.
The situation is serious. Something must be done before it’s too late.
A decision will not be made until the next meeting next month.
Whales are hunted for food and clothing.
More laws on environment protection should be passed.
His key hasn’t been found yet. He can’t remember where he left them.
Ann looks very different now. When you see her, you won’t recognise her.
Put words in the correct form
1. We can’t stop the disappearance of plants and animals. (appear)
2. It is impossible to ride a motorbike in Vietnam without a helmet. (possiblility)
3. My son’s study is .worrying He often gets bad marks at school. (worry)
4. Man is constantly doing harm to the environment. (constancy)
5. A lot of money has been spent on reconstruction of the animals’ natural environment. (reconstruct)
6. Some people think that zoos are places where animals are imprisoned against their will. (prison)
7. The new law to conserve wildlife in Vietnam is going to be passed. (conservation)
8. Water pollution has become more and more serious due to the nuclear tests in the seas and oceans. (pollute)
Put the verb into the correct form 
1. We got to the station in time to catch the train. If we had missed it, we would have been late for the meeting.
2. I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad. It would have been quicker if I had walked.
3. Mary and I weren’t able to go on a honeymoon. We could have gone away if my father hadn’t got sick
4. If she had not failed one of her final exams she wouldn’t have had to spend part of the summer in college.
5. The accident was your fault. If you had driven more carefully, it would not have happened
6. It’s good that you reminded me about Ann’s birthday. I’d have forgot if you had not reminded me.
7. If you had worked harder, you would have passed your final exam.
8. If you had not ignored my advice, you would not have got into trouble yesterday morning.
9. If you had told me what was going to happen, I would have never done such a foolish thing.
10. I had not invited John to the party if I had known that you didn’t get along well with each other.
11. I got wet because I didn’t take my umbrella. However, I would not have got wet if I had remembered to take my umbrella with me. 
12. I didn’t go into business with Sam. If I had gone into business with him, I would have become a success. 
13. I’m doing the test very well now. I would not do the test well if I had not revised thoroughly last night.
14. The view was wonderful. If I had had a camera, I would have taken some photos.
15. I’m broke, but I would have plenty of money now if I had not spent so much yesterday.
Using the given information, make conditional sentences. Use if 
1. If he had prepared for the interview, he would have got the job.
2. We wouldn’t have come home from our holiday early if we had not run out of money.
3. If I hadn’t gone to bed late, in the morning I wouldn’t have felt tired.
4. The house would have burnt down if the fire brigade hadn’t come immediately.
5. We left the party late. So we couldn’t get a bus.
6. I wouldn’t have taken the job if I had known how difficult it was .
7. The woman would have died if she hadn’t received immediate medical attention.
8. If Ann had passed the entrance examination, she would have been admitted to the university.
9. If you had known there was a test yesterday, you would have studied.
10. You wouldn’t have got into so much trouble if you had listened to me.

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