Giáo án English 10 Full

Giáo án English 10 Full

WARMER -UP: Lucky Number

-Divide the whole class into two groups and play game

1.Lucky Number

2. How many boys are there in your class?

3. Do you know what your English teacher’s name is?

4. Lucky Number

5.What do you prepare for this semester?

6. Do you like studying English ?Why or Why not ?

7. How do you learn English well?

8. Do you speak English fluently?


I-Content: Including six topics

1.You and me




5.Nature and Environment

6.People and places

-> six topics are divided into sixteen units

II-The design of each unit in textbook:

1.Unit: express the theme

2.Reading:developing reading skill

3.Speaking:developing speaking skill

4.Listening:developing listenning skill

5.Writing:developing writing skill

6. Language focus:learning grammar and pronounciation

-After 3 unit , you have one period for test yourself.It helps you test yourself about what you’ve learnt.


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Week 1
Date of planning: 20/08/2015 Period:1
Guiding students how to learn English 10
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
WARMER -UP: Lucky Number
-Divide the whole class into two groups and play game
1.Lucky Number
2. How many boys are there in your class?
3. Do you know what your English teacher’s name is?
4. Lucky Number
5.What do you prepare for this semester?
6. Do you like studying English ?Why or Why not ?
7. How do you learn English well?
8. Do you speak English fluently?
I-Content: Including six topics
1.You and me
5.Nature and Environment
6.People and places
-> six topics are divided into sixteen units
II-The design of each unit in textbook:
1.Unit: express the theme
2.Reading:developing reading skill
3.Speaking:developing speaking skill
4.Listening:developing listenning skill
5.Writing:developing writing skill
6. Language focus:learning grammar and pronounciation
-After 3 unit , you have one period for test yourself.It helps you test yourself about what you’ve learnt.
1-check frequence knowledge for the previous lesson.
2-Fifteen minutes test (3 times)
3-One period test (2 times )
4-Semester test (Once for each semester)
IV-The new point in learning E 10
-Communicative method /approach
-Task - based method /teaching
-The book is designed with 4 skills
-Commplete and various tests
- Learner - centered approach
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and make acquainted with a friend by using suggested questions:
1.What’s your name?
2.How old are you?
3.Where do you live?
4.Where do you study?
5.What subjects do you study at school?
6.What’s your favourite subject?Why do you like it?
7.What do you often do in your free-time?
8.What do you want to be in the future?
4-Consolidation: -Retell what you’ve learnt and what you willprepare for this semester
 5-Homework -Prepare for input test 
-Work in group of two.
The leader of each group chooses a number for your own group and do the following requirement in each question.If the answer is correct,they will get 10 marks.
-Students listen to T’s explanation about six topics
-Listen and take notes in their notebooks.
-Listen and take notes in their notebooks.
Work in pair and make a small conversation with a friend.
Week 1
Date of planning: 20/8/2015	 period 2
Input Test 45’
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will:
be able to remember some main poits of grammar and structrures that they learnt and prepare well for new school year
II. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative.
III. Teaching aids: papers, note books, chalks board, etc.
IV. Procedure:
Give Ss some piece of papers and ask Ss to do, then collect and give feedbacks 
Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
I. Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác vời các từ còn lại.
A. ear	B. clear	C. dear	D. heard
A. car	B. catch	C. city	D. corn 
A. received	B. worked 	C. coughed 	 D. washed
II. Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu.
Jack is good musician. He plays the piano very _______.
	A. good	B. well	C. skill	D. better
He is the film director _______ we want to talk to.
	A. which	B. whose	C. whom 	D. this
This girl is not _______ as that one
	A. taller	B. tall	C. tallest	D. as tall
Let’s go out and enjoy sunshine, _______? That’s a good idea
	A. will you	B. shall we	C. won’t you 	D. don’t you
It is good for you _______ this exercises .
	A. does	B. doing	C. to do	D. have done
They first met . _______ they were at high school.
	A. while	B. when	C. since	D. where
We always _______ lots of photos while we’re in Paris.
	A. take	B. make	C. catch	D. get
The police come to the site of the accident, _______?
	A. do they	B. don’t they	C. does he	D. doesn't he
I let my friend _______ my bicycle yesterday.
	A. borrows	B. borrowed	C. borrow	D. borrowing
Would you like _______ a cup of coffee with me?
	A. to have	B. have	C. have	D. has
My mother’s used to _______ TV late at night .
	A. watch	B. watched	C. watching	D. to watch
I like Tom and Ann. They are so _______.
	A. good	B. nice	C. well	D. both A and B
What are the main differences _______ the two cities?
	A. in	B. at	C. between	D. with
My father is a _______ He works in a hospital.
	A. doctor	B. farmer	C. teacher	D. mechanic
It was _______ a boring film that I felt asleep.
	A. very	B. so	C. as	D. such
_______ we post that letter for you on our way to the office ?
	A. Do 	B. Shall	C. Would	D. Will
Ho Chi Minh City will _______ temperatures between 250C and 300C tomorrow.
	A. experience 	B. arrive 	C. achieve 	D. occur	
III. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi.
Last year, we had a nice holiday. My friend and I went to the seaside for a month. I had been to the seaside for several times before, but this was the first time for my friend. Naturally, it was a great event for him. Finally, the day came. It was a fine morning. We got up very early because we wanted to leave home after breakfast. We made the journey by car. We reached to the seaside at noon. We spent many hours on the beach. We enjoyed making castles and channels in the sand. People said we ought to spend at least a few weeks at the seaside. If we could stay longer, so much the better.
1. How long did the writer and his friend spend at the seaside?	
2. Who went to the seaside at the first time?
 	3. What was the weather like on the day they started their journey to the seaside?
4. How did they travel to the seaside?
5. When did they reach the seaside?
IV. Hãy viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi so với câu đã cho, bắt đầu bằng một cụm từ gợi ý cho trước.
“where are you going?” he ask me.
®He asked me . 
Work hard or your parents will be happy.
® If you.
We grow rice in the tropical countries.
®Rice is..
They last visited me five years ago.
®They haven’t..
It’s a pity I can’t play the guitar well.
®I wish..
Week 1
Date of planning: 20/8/2015 	 Period 3
 Unit 1. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...........
By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to improve reading skills as scan for specific information and guessing meaning of words based on context
II. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative.
III.TEACHING AIDS: text book, board, chalks..
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 Ask Ss to close your textbooks and then share handouts.
 Ask Ss to match the work and places together.
 4.seller d.field
 5.farmer e.factory
-After 3 minutes ,T goes around the class and asks Ss
 T:Where does a teacher work?
 S:He/she works at a school
-Leading : to understand more about the life of a famer, today we learn Unit 1.
¯Activity1:Describe the picture
 Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 12 and talk about the activities of people in the picture
 * Who is he /she?
 * What is he/ she doing?
 * where is he/ she doing?...
¯Activity2:Present vocabulary:
 Help Ss to explain some newwords
+ peasant [ pezent]= farmer
+to lead the buffalo to the field.
+to plough and harrow:
+to repair the banks of the pilot of land ( translation):
+ fellow peasant(n) farmer working in the same field.
+to pump water:
+To take a short rest(translation):to have a rest for a short time.
+transplant (v):grow rice
-ask Ss to pronounce above words and phrases loudly in chorus
 Ask Ss to read through the text and practise TASKS in the textbooks.
TASK 1:Multiple choice
-Ask Ss to read the passages individually and choose the option A,B or C that best suits the meaning of the italicised words.
 go around the class and provides helf if necessary.
- Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers. Ask them to explain their choice.
TASK 2:Answering Questions:
-Have Ss work in pair and ask and answer about the passages
-Call on some pair to do the task in front of the class.
-Give feedback and suggested answers
TASK 3: Note completion (bỏ phần này)
- Ask Ss to scan the passage and make a brief note about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet’s daily routines.
-Tell Ss to compare their notes with a friend.
-Give correct answer
 Ask Ss to close your textbooks and discuss about the activities of daily life Mr Vy and Mr Tuyet.
¯Talking about activities of daily life of your parents.
Consolidation:-Talk about activities of somebody’s daily life
 Homework: -Learn newwords and phrases by heart
 	 - Prepare next lesson SPEAKING
Ss listen to T’s requirement
Ss work in groups of four
-Ss work in pair:Ask and answer the same model.
Ss answer T’s questions and Brainstorming:Farmer
->He leads the buffalo to the field.
Ss read silent through the text and find newwords and phrases
Ss listen to teacher’s explanation and take notes
The whole class pronounce all words in chorus.
-Work individually and compare the answer with a partner.
Expected answer:
1C ,2C ,3A ,4A
-Work in pairs
Expected answer:
1.He’s a peasant or farmer
2.He gets up at 4.30 and then he goes down.......
-Work in groups
-Work in small groups of four and then representive of each group present their ideas in front of class.
Week 2
Date of planning: 26/08/2015	
	 Period: 4
 Unit 1. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...........
By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
speak about one’s daily life
II. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative
III.TEACHING AIDS: handouts; text book
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Give handouts that writes ten subjects on the blackboard.
1.Civic education 6.Biology
2.Technology 7.Chemistry
3.Mathematics 8.History
4.Physics 9.Geography
5.Literature 10.Physical education
- intoduce the new- lesson
¯How to say the time
-to help Ss to revise how to say the time,T asks Ss to match a number A with a suitable phrase in B
a.a quarter to ten
b.five to nine
c.five past eight
d.a quarter past seven
e.twenty to eleven
f.half past six p.m
g.five o’clock p.m
h.six o’clock a.m
- help Ss remember the ways to say the time
-Ask Ss to practise TASKS in textbook
¯TASK1:Set the scene
- Ask Ss to look at Quan weekly timetable on page 15.Ask and answer questions with a partner,using the information from the timetable.
Model: make a short dialogue with a student
T: What time does Quan have Civic education les ... ns in defining relative clauses can be dropped. (Sentences with a relative clause without the relative pronoun are called Contact Clauses.)
The boy (who/whom) we met yesterday is very nice.
b. Non-Defining Relative Clauses
- (also called non-identifying relative clauses or non-restrictive relative clauses) give additional information on something, but do not define it. 
- are put in commas.
* Imagine, Tom is in a room with only one girl. The two are talking to each other and you ask somebody whether he knows this girl. Here the relative clause is non-defining because in this situation it is obvious which girl you mean.
Do you know the girl, who is talking to Tom?
- Who/ Which may not be replaced with that.
Object pronouns in non-defining relative clauses must be used.
Jim, who/whom we met yesterday, is very nice.
2. Practice:
Exercise 1: Combine the sentences using relative clauses 
We bought a car last week. The car is blue.
The car .........................................................
The girl is a singer. We met her at the party. 
The girl ....................................................
The bananas are on the table. George bought them.
The bananas .................................................
We watched a film last night. It was really scary.
The film .......................................................
A monk is a man. The man has devoted his life to God.
A monk (.........................
I have one black cat. His name is Blacky.
I have ..........................................................
A herbivore is an animal. The animal feeds upon vegetation.
A herbivore (Carol plays the piano brilliantly. She is only 9 years old.
Carol ...........................................................
Sydney is the largest Australian city. It is not the capital of Australia
* Consolidation: 
* Homework
Activity 1: Group work
- Student discuss in groups of four and explain:
Relative pronoun
subject or object pronoun for people
I told you about the woman who lives next door.
subject or object pronoun for animals and things
Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof?
referring to a whole sentence
He couldn't read which surprised me.
possession for people animals and things
Do you know the boy whose mother is a nurse?
object pronoun for people, especially in non-defining relative clauses (in defining relative clauses we colloquially prefer who)
I was invited by the professor whom I met at the conference.
subject or object pronoun for people, animals and things in defining relative clauses (who or which are also possible)
I don't like the table that stands in the kitchen.
- Students take notes
Activity 2: Pair work
Expecting answer
The car which we bought last week is blue
The girl whom we met at the party is a singer
The bananas which George bought are on the table
The film which we watched last night was really scary
A monk is the man who has devoted his life to God.
I have one black cat whose name is Blacky.
A herbivore is an animal which feeds upon vegetation.
Carol, who is only 9 years old, plays the piano brilliantly.
Sydney, which is not the capital of Australia, is the largest Australian city.
The new words which I have to learn are very difficult.
Date of planning: 18/4/2011
 Period 45
	I. Knowledge: Students revise the passive form and to- infinitive of purposes.
	II. Skills: Speaking, Writing
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Teacher gives example and asks students to write out the form of the passive
1. Break the glass into small pieces.
 V O	
-> The glass is broken into small pieces.
- Teacher gives some more examples and asks students to give the specific form.
Films are shown at the cinema.
My watch was made in Japan.
The letters will be mailed next week.
1. Active:	Tom painted the chair.
 Passive:	The chair was painted (by Tom).
2. Active: 	Tom painted the chair carefully yesterday.
 Passive: The chair was carefully painted (by Tom) yesterday.
3. Active:	They dry the beans in the sun.
 Passive:	The beans are dried in the sun.
4. Active:	They have turned on the lights
 Passive: 	The lights have been turned on.
II- Infinitive of purposes
For + noun/ To + infinitive: individual purpose 
If we want to express individual purpose with a verb pattern, we are obliged to use to + infinitive:
I stopped by at the supermarket to buy some apples on the way home.
I popped into his office to have a chat about our marketing policy.
I decided to save up to buy a new computer. 
For is commonly used with nouns to express individual purpose:
I popped into the supermarket for some apples on the way home.
(Not: I popped into the supermarket for buying some apples)
I stopped by at his office for a chat about our marketing strategy.
(Not: I stopped by at his office for having a chat about marketing.)
I decided I would save up for a new computer.
(NOT: I decided I would save up for buying a new computer.) 
Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences using infinitive of purpose
I went to Holland because I wanted to see the tulips.
-> I went to Holland to see the tulips. 
1. I’m going to Moscow because I want to see the Kremlin.
2. Paul is going to London because he wants to buy some clothes.
3. Roger went to India because he wanted to visit the Taj Mahal.
4. Tracey often goes to the disco because she wants to dance.
5. Tim is going to America because he wants to see the Niagara Falls.
Exercise 2: Change these sentences into the passive
1. People don’t use this dictionary very often
-> This dictionary ................................................
2. They have found oil in the Antarctic (South Pole)
-> Oil ...................................................................
3. Someone gave Mary this present an hour ago.
-> Mary ................................................................
-> This present .....................................................
4. They will translate her new book into a number of foreign languages.
-> Her new book ..................................................
5. They told me that our teacher was sick.
-> I ......................................................................
. III. Consolidation: 
 IV. Homework: 
- Students work in pairs
Be + V3 (past participle)
PASSIVE	S’	(to be	V3)	(byO’)
1. Simple Present: 
Subject + am / is / are + V3 
2. Simple past
Subject + was / were + V3 
3. Simple future:
Subject + will be + V3 
- Students take notes
- Students listen to the teacher’s explanation and copy.
- Students work individually.
Answer key
1. I’m going to Moscow to see the Kremlin.
2. Paul is going to London to buy some clothes. 
3. Roger went to India to visit the Taj Mahal.
4. Tracey often goes to the disco to dance.
5. Tim is going to America to see the Niagara Falls.
- Students work in pairs
1. This dictionary isn’t used very often
2. Oil has been found in the Antarctic
3. Mary was given this present an hour ago
(or) This present was given to Mary an hour ago
4. Her new book will be translated into a number of foreign languages.
5. I was told that our teacher was sick
D.P: 25/04/2010 	 Period: 104
I/ Rewrite the following sentences, using Conditional Sentences Type 3
1. He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train.
àIf ____________________________________________________________
2. My brother didn’t leave the car keys, so I couldn’t pick him up at the station.
àIf my brother __________________________________________________
3. We didn’t go because it rained.
 à If it hadn’t ____________________________________________________
4. We didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money.
àIf we _________________________________________________________
5. Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes.
à If Susan ______________________________________________________
6. Without this treatment, the patient would have died.
à If he _________________________________________________________
7. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.
 àIf we ________________________________________________________
8. He lost his job because he was late every day.
à If he _________________________________________________________
9. Peter is fat because he eats so many chips.
 If ____________________________________________________________
10. Robert got a bad cough because he started smoking cigarettes.
àIf Robert ______________________________________________________
 II/ Give the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets. 
1. It was an awful day. It was the (bad)_____________ day of my life.
2. He was a bit depressed yesterday, but he looks (happy)____________today
3. John’s car runs (well)________________ than Mary’s.
4. That’s the (far)_______________ way to the city center.
5. I feel (good)_________________ today than I did last week.
6. HCM City is the (big)______________ city in Viet Nam.
7. Marjorie has (many)_______________ books than Sue.
8. He acts (badly)______________ than ever before.
9. This bottle has (little)______________ water than my bottle.
10. Nam is (nice)_______________ than Minh.
III/ Rewrite the following sentences, using Comparative
1. My homework is worse than yours.
àYour homework is____________________________________________
2. He does the test more easily than Nga.
3. An dictionary is more expensive than an English book.
àAn English book_____________________________________________
4. He behaves now worse than he used to.
àHe used to__________________________________________________ 
5. My uncle is fatter than my father.
àMy father__________________________________________________
6. Viet Nam isn’t as large as the USA
àViet Nam__________________________________________________
T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
I. WARM UP: Slap the pictures
1. Look at the map and give the Vietnamese
names for the oceans on the map
2. Name the sea animals in the pictures
3. Vocabulary:
- biodiversity (n) : ña daïng sinh hoïc
- gulf (n) : vònh
- submarine (n) : taøu ngaàm
- at stake (exp) : bò ñe doïa
- investigate (v) : ñieàu tra
* Task 1: Gap-fill
* Task 2: Comprehension questions
- Complete the summary
- Draw the pictures of the undersea world
& tell how to preserve the sea environment
Complete the lesson
-Set the scene
-Ask Ss to repeat
- Slap the board
-Pair work
-Pair work
-Group work
-Pair wo

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