Giáo án English 10 - Unit 16, Period 96: Reading - Tạ Thị Minh Huyền - Năm học 2016-2017

Giáo án English 10 - Unit 16, Period 96: Reading - Tạ Thị Minh Huyền - Năm học 2016-2017

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge

- Know more about the Historical places

 - Know more vocabularies relating to historical places, develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, and identifying antonyms.

2. Skills

- Improve skimming skill through answering the questions for main ideal and finding out the new words.

- Improve guessing meaning skill: exercise (task 1).

- Improve scanning skill through doing exercise ( task 2).

- Improve team work skill, communicative skill through group works and pair works.

3. Attitudes

- Students are more positive and constructive in class.

- Students are more serious and willing to learn new lesson and self- study at home.

- Students feel more interested in sports.

- Students are more friendly, respectful with not only place in Vietnam and over the world as well.

II. Teaching methods

- Presentation, pair work, group work, individual work.


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Date of preparing:10/10/2016
Date of teaching: 25/10/2016
Teacher: Tạ Thị Minh Huyền
Subject: English 10
 UNIT 16: Historical places
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Know more about the Historical places
 - Know more vocabularies relating to historical places, develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, and identifying antonyms.
2. Skills
- Improve skimming skill through answering the questions for main ideal and finding out the new words.
- Improve guessing meaning skill: exercise (task 1).
- Improve scanning skill through doing exercise ( task 2).
- Improve team work skill, communicative skill through group works and pair works.
- Students are more positive and constructive in class.
- Students are more serious and willing to learn new lesson and self- study at home.
- Students feel more interested in sports.
- Students are more friendly, respectful with not only place in Vietnam and over the world as well.
II. Teaching methods
Presentation, pair work, group work, individual work.
III. Teaching aids
- Textbook, teaching plan, computer, projector, pictures, computer, black board, chalk.
IV. Anticipated problems
- Students may ask some words related to kinds of historical places.
- Students may have difficulties in guessing the meaning of words.
- There may not be enough time to finish the lesson.
V. Procedures
1. Class organization (1 minute)
Numbers of students
2. Check homework: no checking home work
3. New lesson: 42 minutes
Stages/ Time
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Warm up
* Matching
- T invites the sts to play the game:
I have 4 pictures of 4 Historical places. Your work is matching it with 4 suitable names.
So, are you ready?
- Check answer
* Suggestion:
Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum
Hue Citadel
Duc Ba Cathedral
Nha Rong Harbor
What do you think the topic today?
* Lead in: Today, we are going to read about the historical places. I’m sure that it will be interesting.
- Listen and play game
- matching it with 4 suitable names.
Before you read
(10 minutes)
* Give guiding questions:
What do you know about Van Mieu - Quoc Tu Giam?
Write down the answer on the board and check after the lesson.
“ To check the answers, let’s read the passage and we will check them after the reading”
* Pre- teach new words
Banyan trees /´bæniən/ (n): 
- Use picture
- Show meaning: It is one of the symbol of village in Viet Nam.
2. Confucian /kən'fju:∫n/ (adj): 
- Use picture
- Give example
E.g.: Van Mieu was representative of Confucian ways of thought and behaviour.
3. Tortoise /'tɔ:təs/ (n)
- Use picture
4. stelae /'sti:li/ (n)
- Use picture
-Give example
5. feudal /'fju:dl/ (a)
- Use picture
- similar with outdate
- opposite with modern
* Say the words aloud
- Say the words aloud and ask students to repeat.
* Check understanding: play a minimal game
 - T shows some pictures on slide and asks sts to read aloud the new word related to each picture they have just learnt.
- Listen and help sts to read the words correctly
- Ask students to repeat the new words again.
*Check understanding
Clap on the board
Answer the question
- Pay attention and get the meaning, use of the words.
- Note down the new words.
- Repeat the new words once again.
While- Reading
(17 minutes)
* Task 1:Choose A, B, C that best suits the meaning of the italicised words.
- ask Ss to do task 1 individual
- go around the class and help if necessary.
- call on some Ss to give their answers.
- give comments and correct answers.
* Task 2: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or (F)
- Ask sts to read the passage again in 2 minutes and then work in pair to discuss 6 sentences on task 2 in page 168
- Play game: Lucky number
Divide the class into 2 groups
Give the rules of game:
The game have 8 numbers, include 6 sentences and 2 lucky number
Each team will choose 4 numbers
Each number has other points
If you have correct answer or lucky number, you will receive point
After finishing the game, which team has more points will be the winner.
F => it was built in 1070.
F => from 11th to the 18th century
F => It is an example of well-preserved traditional Vietnamese architecture.
- Do the task 1
- work in 2 minutes
- Do the task 2 by playing game.
- Listen to the instruction carefully and play game.
- Check the answer of other team.
Post- Reading
(10 minutes)
Divide the class into 2 groups
Write questions in the piece of paper and put in a box
Each group will lottery and answer the question
Each correct answer will receive 1 point
After finishing game, which team has more than another will be the winner and get a special gift from T
1. Why is Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam a place of interest?
à Because it is a famous historical and cultural site in Hanoi.
2. When and where were they built?
à They were built in Hanoi in 1070 and in 1076. 
3. What were their functions?
Quoc Tu Giam was the first university of Vietnam. 
Van Mieu was a place to honor the most brilliant scholars of the nation. 
4. What is special about the stelae there?
à On the stone stelae, standing on the backs of giant tortoises, were engraved the names, places of birth and achievements of top students in royal examinations.
Aims:sts can answer the question:
What do you know about theVan Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam?
- Listen to the instruction carefully and play game.
- Check the answer of other team.
Consolidation (1 minute)
Ask students: “What have you learned in the lesson?”
 + Vocabularies
 + some reading skill
 + the history places
Home works (1 minute)
- Learn new words and make sentences with them.
- Write a paragraph about Van Mieu
- Prepare the next lesson: Speaking
Good points:
Weak points:

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  • docxUnit_16_Historical_places.docx