Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Period 69, Unit 11: National parks - Lesson 2: Speaking

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Period 69, Unit 11: National parks - Lesson 2: Speaking

I. Objectives:

- Students know about an excursion to Huong Pagoda.

- Students can talk about an excursion and express their regrets.

. Skills:

- Matching sentences in column A with the coresponding consequences in column B.

- Talking about an excursion.

- Expressing the regrets.

III. Teaching aids:

 Textbook, chalk, board.

IV. Procedures:


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Week: 25
Period: 69
I. Objectives:
- Students know about an excursion to Huong Pagoda.
- Students can talk about an excursion and express their regrets. 
. Skills:	
- Matching sentences in column A with the coresponding consequences in column B.
- Talking about an excursion.
- Expressing the regrets.
III. Teaching aids:
	Textbook, chalk, board.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm-up:
- Ask sts the questions:
- Have you have ever had a camping trip?
- Tell me what you prepared for that trip?
- Ask one or two sts. to answer.
2. Before you speak:
Aims:tofocus sts. on the topic and introduce the words and phrases used in the task.
+ Task 1: Matching
Last week Nga’s class went on an excursion to Huong Pagoda. Unfortunately, the excursion turned out to be a disaster. Most of the things they did went wrong. You are required to match the thing in column A with the coresponding consequences in column B .
- Ask sts to read through the sentences in the two columns.
- Give sts some new words or expressions: 
 + food poisoning: ngộ độc thức ăn
 + fine (n ): cash paid as punishment : tiền phạt
 + get lost: unable to find way
 + carsick( adj ): feeling sick because of a car’s movement 
- Ask sts to read the new words orally and individualy.
- Ask sts to work in pairs to do the task.
- Go around to observe sts working.
- Check sts ‘s answers by calling on some sts to read out things in A and some others to read out the corresponding consequences in B.
- Listen and give remarks. 
3. While you speak:
Aims: Sts can talk about their excursion to Huong Pagoda and express their regrets.
+ Task 2:
Imagine that you are Nga’s classmates and you are not happy with the excursion to Huong Pagoda. Now you are talking with some friends about what you wish you had or hadn’t done.
- Before sts do the task, T asks sts to read the examples in the textbook and recall what grammatical structure is used in the example.
- Revise the conditional sentence type 3 by giving an example:
 + Eg: If I had had money, I would have bought this car. ( But I didn’t have money and so I didn’t buy it.)
- Ask sts to look at the example and tell the T the form as well as the form of the conditional sentence type 3.
- Ask sts to work in groups.
- Go around to help sts.
- Ask sts to compare their answers with another group.
- Call on some sts to speak out their answers in front of the class.
- Listen to sts and give remarks.
4. After you speak:
Aims: Sts practise telling about an excursion to Huong Pagoda and expressing the regrets.
+ Task 3:
You are Nga. You are going to work in pairs. Tell your partner about your class’s excursion to Huong Pagoda and express your regrets about what you did or didn’t do during the excursion.
- Ask sts to work in pairs using the third conditional to do the task.
- Go around to observe, offering help and collecting mistakes.
- Ask one or more sts to tell about their excursion in front of the class and give remarks.
5. Homework:( 1 min)
- Write down what they have discussed in task 3.
- Some sts answer:
Yes, ew have.
We prepared food, drinks, tents, cameras ..
- Listen to the T.
- Read the sentences and find some new words.
- Listen and copy down these words into their notebooks.
- Read the new words.
- Work in pairs.
- Read the answers aloud.
1- f 2- e 3- h 4- g
5- b 6- c 7- a 8- d
- Listen to the T.
- Read the examples and listen to the T.
- Look at the example and tell the whole class the form and the use:
If + S + past perfect, S + would/ could +have + P II.
+Use: The third conditional is used to talk unreal situations in the past.
- Work in groups.
- Compare the answers with others.
2. If we had brought enough food and drinks we wouldn’t have spent a lot of money eating in expensive restaurants.
3. If some of us hadn’t had food poisoning we could have enjoyed our visit.
4. If we had had rain coats, we wouldn’t have got wet and have got a cold.
5. If some of us hadn’t left our luggage on the coach when we arrived, we could have had clothes and money with us.
6. If we had been careful when walking in Huong Pagoda, we wouldn’t have got lost.
7. If we hadn’t thrown wast in the forest, we wouldn’t have got a fine.
8. If we had stayed there more than one day, we could have visited all the pagodas.
- Listen to the T.
- Work in pairs.
- Some sts tell about their excursion in front of the class.

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_10_period_69_unit_11_national_parks_le.docx