Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 13: Films and cinema - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 13: Films and cinema - Năm học 2019-2020


1. Formation of behaviour and language knowledge

By the end of this lesson, the students will have:

- Distinguished the two sounds /f/ and /v/.

- Pronounced the words and sentences containing the two sounds /f/ and /v/ correctly.

- Used adjectives of attitude to describe a film or to express opinions.

- Emphasized a sentence by using “It is/was not until that ” structure.

- Identified when to use the articles

2. Language materials:

- Vocabulary: Adjectives of attitude

- Grammar: Structure: “It is/was not until that ”

- Articles: a/an and the

3. Skills: Speaking, writing, reading.

4. Method(s):

5. Teaching aids: Tieng Anh 10 Textbook, chalk, blackboard and speakers.

6. Timing: 45 minutes.



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Name: Ngo Le Cao Nhan	Phuoc Kien High School
Instructor: Nguyen Ngoc Thai	Class: 10A2
Date: Wednesday, May 27th, 2020
Period: 4
1. Formation of behaviour and language knowledge
By the end of this lesson, the students will have:
-	Distinguished the two sounds /f/ and /v/.
-	Pronounced the words and sentences containing the two sounds /f/ and /v/ correctly.
-	Used adjectives of attitude to describe a film or to express opinions. 
-	Emphasized a sentence by using “It is/was not until  that ” structure.
-	Identified when to use the articles
2. Language materials: 
- Vocabulary: Adjectives of attitude
- Grammar: Structure: “It is/was not until that ”
- Articles: a/an and the 
3. Skills: Speaking, writing, reading. 
4. Method(s): 
5. Teaching aids: Tieng Anh 10 Textbook, chalk, blackboard and speakers. 
6. Timing: 45 minutes.
Steps & Timing
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Warm-up (6’)
Lead-in (1’)
Divides the class into 4 groups.
Explains the game.
Chooses some students to ask some questions
Listen carefully
Answer the questions.
*Game: What’s the movie?
Teacher plays a song and each group takes turn to guess by writing down on the board what movie the song is in. 
Expected answer:
Pink Panther
Mr Bean
The Avengers
After the warm-up:
Q: Do you like music?
A: Yes/No.
Q: How do you feel when you listen to music?
A: Good/great/happy/sad, etc.
Q: Today’s lesson is about how use correct adjectives to describe a film or express your opinions about it. 
Pronunciation (10’)
Writes the sounds on the board and pronounces them. 
Writes the minimal pairs on the board and pronounces them. 
Asks students to repeat the words individually and chorally. 
Asks students to skim the sentences quickly and underline the words which contains the two /f/ and /v/ sounds.
Tells students to work in pairs and take turn to practice reading the sentences. 
Asks some pairs to stand up and read the sentences then gives feedback and correction. 
Listen carefully 
Listen carefully
Do the task
Work in pairs and practice
Stand up and practice when chosen. 
Minimal pairs:
/f/ /v/
fan van
leaf leave
fine vine
off of 
Underlined words:
1. feels, enough.
2. photograph, for, myself, wife.
3. Would, prefer, full, photograph, profile.
4. Stephen, driving, van, full, of, vines.
5. live, village, valley.
6. arrived, village, van. 
Grammar and
Vocabulary (10’)
Explains the students about active adjectives and passive adjectives. (1’)
Explains the activity: In 2’ students work in groups of two tables to complete exercise 1.
Chooses some students to come to the board and write down the answers. 
Corrects exercise 1.
Explains: In exercise 2 students work in pairs in 3’. When time is up, teacher calls some students from each group to go to the board to write the answer. 
Chooses some students to go to the board and write down the answers.
Grammar (17’)
It is/was not until  that
Explains the structure and writes it on the board. (2’)
Does question 1 as an example.
Asks students to do exercise 3 individually. 
Asks each group to go to the board and write down the answer. One student from each group writes one word then comes back to give the chalk to another student from his/her team to finish the sentence. 
The articles a, an, the:
Explaining to students about the usage of the 3 articles a, an, the.
Asking students to do exercise 4 in pairs.
Asking some students to give answers.
Listen carefully.
Work in groups.
Come to the board to write down the answer.
Listen carefully.
Work in pairs. 
Go to the board to complete the task when chosen. 
Listen carefully and take notes.
Do exercise 3 individually.
Carry out the activity
Listen carefully and take notes.
Work in pairs.
Give answers. 
Expected answer: 
Fascinating, fascinated
Exciting, excited
Terrifying, terrified
Irritating, irritated
Horrifying, horrified
Boring, bored
Surprising, surprised
Amusing, amused
Embarrassing, embarrassed
 Frustrating, frustrated
Expected answer:
1. a) depressing
 b) depressed
2. a) interested
 b) interesting
3. a) boring
 b) bored
4. a) excited
 b) exciting
5. a) exhausting
 b) exhausted
- Structure format:
It is not until 
+ time
(time phrase)
(time clause)
+ that + S + V(s/es)
It was not until 
+ time
(time phrase)
(time clause)
+ that + S + V(2/ed)
- Structure use:
To emphasize (give special importance to) the time point of an action or event.
- Example:
1. It was not until 1990 that she became a teacher.
Expected answer:
2. It was not until he was 30 that he knew how to swim.
3. It was not until 1980 that they began to learn English.
4. It was not until the boy’s father came home that he did his homework.
5. It was not until the lights were on that the football match started.
Expected answers:
1. (1) a
(2) the
(3) the
2. (4) an
(5) a
(6) a
(7) the
(8) the
(9) the
3. (10) the
(11) the
(12) the
(13) the
4. (14) an
(15) a
(16) a
(17) the
(18) a
Review grammar points at home.
Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 14 (The World Cup) – A. Reading (page 142

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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_10_unit_13_films_and_cinema_nam_hoc_20.docx