Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Period 90, Unit 14: The world cup - Lesson 3: Listening

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Period 90, Unit 14: The world cup - Lesson 3: Listening

A. Preparation:

 I/ The aim of the lesson:

 By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- know more about Pele, the most famous football player in the world.

 - improve listening skill such as:

+ answering questions.

+ filling the table.

II/ Language:

- Vocabulary: Words relating to football.

III/ Skills:

 Integrated skills

- Focus skill: Listening.

- Other skills: Speaking, reading.

 IV/ Method:

 Communicative approach.

 V/ Techniques:

- Answering questions.

- Filling the table.

- Pair work and group work.

- Explanation.

- Discussing.

VI/ Teaching aids needed:

 Textbook, chalk, board

B. Procedure:


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Period: 90
Week: 32
 I/ The aim of the lesson:
	By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- know more about Pele, the most famous football player in the world.
 - improve listening skill such as:
+ answering questions.
+ filling the table.
II/ Language:
- Vocabulary: Words relating to football.
III/ Skills:
	 Integrated skills
Focus skill: Listening.
Other skills: Speaking, reading.
 IV/ Method:
 Communicative approach.
	V/ Techniques:
Answering questions.
Filling the table.
Pair work and group work..
VI/ Teaching aids needed:
 Textbook, chalk, board
Teaching steps & time location
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I/ Stabilization
II/ Presentation of the new materials (43’)
III/ Homework:
- Greets the students.
- Checks the attendance.
1. Lead in: (6’)
- Shows some pictures about some famous football players.
- Asks students to tell the names of these football players and which football teams they are belong to.
- Leads to the new lesson.
2. Pre- listening: (8’)
- Introduces some new words:
+ goal- scorer (n) người ghi bàn thắng
+ ambassador (n) đại sứ
+ kick (v) sút
+ promote (v) = encourage (v) khuyến khích
+ retire (v) nghỉ hưu
 retirement (n) sự nghỉ hưu
- Reads aloud these new words then asks students to repeat.
- Asks some students to read aloud these new words again.
3. While- listening: (22’)
* Task 1: You will hear some information about Pele, a famous Brazilian football player. Listen and complete the table below. (12’)
- Tells students that they are going to listen to a passage about Pele.
- Asks students to have a look at the table and make sure they know what information they need to fill in the blanks.
- Lets students listen to the tape twice.
- Asks students to discuss with their partners to find out the answers.
- Asks some students to give the answers.
- Checks the answers.
- Lets students listen to the tape again to check the correct answers, stop the tape if necessary.
Taks 2: Listen again and answer the following questions. (10)
- Asks students to translate these questions into Vietnamese.
- Asks students to listen to the tape twice.
- Asks students to discuss with their partner to find out the answers.
- Asks some students to give the answers.
- Gives feedback.
3. Post listening: Talk about the milestones in Pele’s life. (7’)
- Asks students to base on the information in Task 1 and Task 2 and work in groups to do the task.
- Moves round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively.
- Asks one student to present.
- Give feedbacks.
- Asks students to learn new words by heart.
- Asks students to prepare for the new lesson.
- Greet the teacher.
- The monitor answers teacher’s question.
Individually work.
- Look at the pictures.
- Answer teacher’s questions.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Listen to the teacher and take notes on their notebooks.
- Listen and repeat.
- Some students read aloud these new words again.
Work in pairs.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Do as teacher said.
- Listen to the tape.
- Discuss to find out the answers.
- Some students give the answers.
- Listen carefully.
Suggested answers:
(1) 1940
Born in Brazil
(2) Joined in a Brazilian football club
(3) 1962
First world cup championship
(4) 1974
1200th goal
(5) Retired
Work in pairs.
- Translate these questions into Vietnamese.
- Listen to the tape.
- Discuss to find out the answers.
- Some students give the answers.
- Listen to the teacher.
Suggested answers:
1. He was fanous for his powerful kicking and controlling the ball.
2. He participated in 3 World Cups.
3. He played for an American football club before he retired.
4. He became an international ambassador for the sport.
Work in groups.
- Do as teacher said.
- One student presents.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Take notes the homework on their notebooks

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_10_period_90_unit_14_the_world_cup_les.doc