Giáo án English 10 - Unit 13: Films and cinema - Period 79: A.Reading

Giáo án English 10 - Unit 13: Films and cinema - Period 79: A.Reading


 - Language content:

+ To introduce the students some new words related to films and cinema

- Language function:

+ To talk about films and cinema

- Educational aims:

+ To make students aware of the importance of films and cinema in daily life

 + To educate sts to watch suitable films.

1. Language:

a.Vocabulary: motion, set st in motion, still, audience, spread, replace

b. Structures:

 2. Skills: Integrated skill.

3. Education factor:

+ Students will be able to get information about films and cinema.


1. Method: Communicative approach

2. Techniques: Explanation, Repetition, using pictures, group work, pair work, multiple choice,

3. Materials needed: textbook, pictures


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Unit 13: 	
Period	79: 	A. READING 
 	- Language content:	
+ To introduce the students some new words related to films and cinema
- Language function: 
+ To talk about films and cinema
- Educational aims:
+ To make students aware of the importance of films and cinema in daily life 
 	 + To educate sts to watch suitable films.
1. Language:
a.Vocabulary: motion, set st in motion, still, audience, spread, replace
b. Structures: 	
 	2. Skills: Integrated skill.
3. Education factor:
+ Students will be able to get information about films and cinema.
1. Method: Communicative approach
2. Techniques: Explanation, Repetition, using pictures, group work, pair work, multiple choice, 
3. Materials needed: textbook, pictures 
4. Students preparation: Prepare some pictures and information about them. 
 1. Stabilization: - Greeting.
 	 - Checking attendance
	2. Checking up the previous knowledge:
	- Asks Students to make sentences using “to-infinitive” and give an example
 - Students answer.
 3. New lesson
1. Warm up
uses some pictures to lead to the new lesson
-makes some questions and has sts answer.
Eg: Do you want to see a film at the cinema or on TV? Why? 
 Can you name some of the films you have seen?
2. Pre- reading
uses pictures in the text book to introduce some more information about films and cinema
-gives some new words:
set st in (v)
still (adj)
audience :viewers(n)
spread (v)
replace (v)
pictures: films
- explains the new words by giving definition or pictures
-may ask sts to make sentences using the new words 
-reads the new words and has sts repeat
-calls some sts to read the new words individually
3. While - reading
has sts read the passage in silence and do the task in the book 
Task 1: 
-explains the task.
-has sts find out the kind of the missing words in each sentence.
-asks sts to work individually.
-has them exchange the answers.
-calls some sts to do exercises
-has sts read the text again and work in pairs to answer the questions.
-calls some pairs to ask and answer
Task 3:
-has sts work in pairs to decide the best title for the passage.
--makes some more questions to ask the reason.
4. Post -reading
- explains the task.
-does the first as a model
- Calls some students to answers in front of the class.
-Gives feedback and corrects
5. Consolidation
- Retells the content of the text.
Yes, I want to see a film at the cinema because it’s more interesting.
Eg: Chay an, Nhung ngon nen trong dem
-take note
-make sentence
Eg: The cinema full of audience.
-read the new words individually
-read the passage in silence
-work individually
-read the text again and work in pairs
-ask and answer
-work in pairs
-work in groups
-Eg: 1910s:The first long film was made
Unit 13
1.New words
chuyeån ñoäng
dòch chuyeån
yeân laëng
khaùn giaû
lan roäng
thay theá
Eg: The cinema fulls of audience.
Task 1: 
1 in the early. 19th century
2. at that time the scientists discovered that when a sequence of still pictures was set in motion ,they should give feeling of movement.
3.No,they didn’t
4. in the early1910s the end of the 1920s
6.the musical cinema
Task 3:
The best title for the passage:
B.A Brief History of Cinema
 3. Homework (2 ms)
 - Prepare for Unit 13– Part B
 4. Self-evaluation:
Unit 13: 	
Period	80: 	B. SPEAKING 
 	- Language content:	
+ To introduce the students some new words related to films and cinema
- Language function: 
+ To talk about films and cinema
- Educational aims:
+ To make students aware of the importance of films and cinema in daily life 
 	+To educate sts to watch suitable films.
1. Language:
a.Vocabulary: motion, set st in motion, still, audience, spread, replace
b. Structures: 	
 	2. Skills: Integrated skill.
3. Education factor:
+ Students will be able to get information about films and cinema.
1. Method: Communicative approach
2. Techniques: Explanation, Repetition, using pictures, group work, pair work, multiple choice, 
3. Materials needed: textbook, pictures 
4. Students preparation: Prepare some pictures and information about them. 
Stabilization: - Greeting.
 - Checking attendance
	2. Checking up the previous knowledge:
	- Asks Students to make sentences using “to-infinitive” and give an example
- Students answer. 
 3. New lesson
1. Warm up
Plays game: Film categorization
- Divides the class into small groups of 3 or 4 and distributes these tables to them.
Type	Film
Science fiction film	Shrek
Cartoon	War of the worlds
Horror film	Adventures of S. Holmes
Detective film	The ring
Thriller 	Love actually
Romantic comedy	Kill Bill
War film	Lord of the Rings
Action film	Pearl Habour
- Asks students to match the films with the correct types. Which group has the more correct and faster answers is the winner.
- Asks students if they have ever seen these films and if they know the Vietnamese translations of the titles. Then introduces the topic of the lesson
2. Pre- speaking
Teaches new words if necessary.
3. While - speaking
TASK 1: 
- Asks the students to study the table on page 143 and tick the boxes that suit their preferences for a particular type of films:
- Asks students to move around and share with their partners.
- Calls some students to report their likes and dislikes and the number of friends who have the same tastes as them.
TASK 2: 
- Gets students to brainstorm all the adjectives that can be used to describe films, e.g. interesting, exciting, fascinating, amusing, boring, horrifying ...
- Explains the differences between Adj with ED or ING ending if any 
- Introduces the structure Sb find st / sb + Adj,, which can be used to express one’s opinion about something or someone.
Eg: I find horror films fascinating
- Asks students to make sentences with this structure
- Asks students to work in groups and practice speaking using the words in the table of Task 2 in page 135.
- Goes around offering help.
TASK 3: 
- Introduces the structure: 
“Prefer something to something”, which can be used to talk about one’s preferences.
Eg: I prefer romantic films to action films 
- Asks 2 students to read the model conversation in the textbook and corrects students’ intonation and pronunciation. If necessary.
- Asks students to work in pairs to practice Task 3.
- Goes around offering help.
4. Post -speaking
-TASK 4: 
- Asks students to do Task 4 in pairs asking and answering questions about a film that they have seen, using the suggestions given in the textbook.
- Asks students to take notes of their friends’ story.
- Goes around offering help.
- Calls some students to report their friend’s story.
- Corrects mistakes if they made 
5. Consolidation
- Asks them to prepare the new lessons at home and read the text again
Play game.
- Match
- Listen and answer
- Listen and practice
- Present their answers
- Take notes
 - Listen
- Share with friends
- Report their likes and dislikes
- Take notes
- Take notes
- Make sentences 
- Work in groups 
- Listen carefully. 
- Take notes
- Read the model conversation
- Work in pairs
- Work in pairs
- Take notes. 
- Listen
- Report their friend’s story
- Listen and correct
Unit 13: 
- Play game
- Answer. 
Type	Film
Science fiction film	War of the worlds
Cartoon	Shrek 
Horror film	The ring 
Detective film	Adventures of S. Holmes
Thriller 	Kill Bill
Romantic comedy	Love actually 
War film	Pearl Habour
Action film	Lord of the Rings 
Before speaking
- Work in groups to work in pairs to put a tick (√) in the right column.
- Present their answers.
* New words
While speaking 
TASK 1: 
- Study the table on page 143 and tick the boxes that suit their preferences for a particular type of films:
- Move around and share with their partners.
- Some students report their likes and dislikes and the number of friends who have the same tastes as them.
TASK 2: 
- Brainstorm all the adjectives that can be used to describe films
- Take notes
interesting (adj):
exciting (adj):
fascinating (adj):
amusing (adj):
boring (adj):
horrifying (adj):
- Take notes the differences between Adj with ED or ING ending
 - Take notes the structure
 Somebody find st / sb + Adj,
* Note: This structure can be used to express one’s opinion about something or someone.
- Make sentences with this structure
- Work in groups and practice speaking using the words in the table of Task 2 in page 135.
- Take notes the new structure
 Prefer something to something
* Note: This structure can be used to talk about one’s preferences.
- Read the model conversation in the textbook
- Work in pairs to practice Task 3.
TASK 4: 
- Work in pairs asking and answering questions about a film that they have seen, using the suggestions given in the textbook.
- Take notes of their friends’ story.
- Some students to report their friend’s story.
- Corrects mistakes
 3. Homework (2 ms)
 - Prepare for Unit 13– Part C
 4. Self-evaluation:
Unit 13: 	
Period	81: 	C. LISTENING 
1. Educational aims:	- To teach the students the love for film and cinema
2. Knowledge:
General knowledge:	- To help students be able to develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information, taking notes while listening, and summarizing main ideas.
New words:	- Related to the film and cinema.
3. Skills:	- To help students improve their listening skill.
	- Integrated skills
II. METHOD: integrated, mainly communicative
III. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, handouts.
 1.Stabilization: - Greeting.
 - Checking attendance
 2. Checking up the previous knowledge: 
 3. New lesson
1. Warm up
A Quiz about Titanic.
- Asks students if they have seen the film ”Titanic” and then announces the Quiz Game and the rule: The teacher will read the questions about the films, which group has the more correct and faster answer is the winner.
- Divides the class into 2 groups.
- Reads the questions about the film and leads the game.
1. What is the name of the main female character in “Titanic”?
2. Who played the main female character?
3. What is the name of the main mal ... r students to check their answers.
- Gives correct answer:
They are planning to go to see the “Titanic”
TASK 2: 
- Asks students if they remember what Lan and Huong talk about their plans from the previous listening. 
- Asks students to look through the calendar and listen to the note forms. ( not in full sentences )
- Asks students to listen to the tape again, then complete on the calendar
 - Plays the tape once for students to check their answers.
- Asks students to work in pairs to compare their answers.
- Checks the students’ answers by calling some students and asks them to explain their answers.
- Gives the correct answers.
 TASK 3: 
- Asks the whole class what day Lan and Huong can meet
- Asks students to explain their answers.
- Gives the correct answers.
* Answer: Tuesday (because they are both free on Tuesday)
Role play
4. Post - writing
- Asks students to work in pairs and summarize the conversation between two girls, basing themselves on the notes they have taken from Task 2.
- Goes around and helps.
5. Consolidation
- Calls some students to retell the class about Lan and Huong’s plans
- Corrects mistakes if any.
Play game.
- Listen carefully.
- Work in groups and give answers.
- Look at the textbook and answer the questions
- Predict the content of the 
- Take notes
- Listen carefully. 
- Listen carefully.
- Check their answers.
- Take notes. 
- Remind
- Look through and listen carefully. 
- Listen carefully. 
- Check their answers.
- Compare their answers.
- Explain
- Take notes
work in pairs
- Retell
- Listen and correct
UNIT 13:
- Play game
Suggested keys:
Kate Winslet
Leonardo Di Carprio
“My heart will go on”
Celine Dion
11 awards
Before -writing
- Answer the questions.
. Sometimes
. Often
. Seldom
- Look at the picture in Task 1 and predict the content of the conversation
* New words
. Titanic 
. suppose
. guess
. instead
While- writing 
TASK 1: 
- Listen to the tape.
- Answer:
Suggested keys:
They are planning to go to see the “Titanic”
- Take the answer on the notebooks
TASK 2: 
- Look through the calendar 
- Listen to and pay attention to the key words.
- Listen to the tape carefully. 
- Work in pairs to compare their answers.
- Answer explain their answers.
- Take answers
Suggested keys:
	Lan	Huong
Mon	See a play	
Wed	Wok and go to the singing club
Thu	Visit grandparents	
Fri	Study Chinese
Sat	Work (busy)	
Sun	Go on a picnic
- Discuss and answer.
Suggested keys:
Tuesday (because they are both free on Tuesday)
retell the class about Lan and Huong’s plans
 3. Homework (2 ms)
 - Prepare for Unit 13– Part E
 4. Self-evaluation:
Unit 13: 	
Period	83: 	E- LANGUAGE FOCUS 
1. Educational aims:	- To teach the students the love for film and cinema
2. Knowledge:
General knowledge:	- To help students be able to distinguish the sounds / f / and / v / 
- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.
- Use attitudinal adjectives to describe films or to express their opinion about particular films.
- Use structure “It was not until  that ” 
- Distinguish definite and indefinite articles ” a / an / the” correctly
New words:	- Related to the film and cinema.
3. Skills:	- To help students improve their skills.
	- Intergrated skills
II. METHOD: integrated, mainly communicative
III. TEACHING AIDS: textbook,handouts, pictures
 1.Stabilization: - Greeting.
 - Checking attendance
	2. Checking up the previous knowledge: 
 3. New lesson
* Distinguish the sounds/ f / and /v / 
- Models the two sounds/ f /and / v / for a few times and shows the articulation of these sounds.
When producing these sounds students upper teeth need to touch their lower lips.
When producing/v / students can feel the vibration if they place their fingers on the voice box but when producing / f / they can not feel this.
- Reads once for students to hear the words containing these two sounds.
- Reads again and asks students to repeat.
- Asks students to read the words out loud in chorus for a few times.
- Calls some students to read.
- Listens and corrects mistakes if students pronounce incorrectly.
* Practising sentences containing the target sounds 
- Asks students to work work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences on page 139.
- Goes around, listens and helps.
- Calls some students to read then give correct feedback 
EXERCISE 1: A competition game
- Introduces the exercise: Write the adjectival forms of the verbs given.
1. fascinate →	6. bore →
2. excite →	7. surprise →
3. terrify →	8. amuse →
4. irritate →	9. embarrass →
5. horrify →	10. frustrate →
Example: interest → interesting
- Asks students to read the verb list quickly.
- Devides the class into 2 groups and the board into 2 parts.
- Reads out any verb in the list and the members of each group will need to take turn to go to the board and write the corresponding adjectival form.
- Keeps reading untill there are no more verbs in the list.
- Explains the differences between 2 forms of adjectives: the - ING form and the - ED form.
the - ING form has an active meaning
the - ED form has a passive meaning
- Asks students to give examples
- Introduces the exercise and asks students to do read all the sentences through.
- Explains the new words if any. 
- Asks students to do exercise individually and goes around that they work.
- Calls 5 students to go to the board and write the answers
- Checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback.
1. A. depressing B. depressed
2. A. interested B. interesting
3. A. boring B. bored
4. A. excited B. exciting
5. A. exhausting B. exhausted
- Elicits from students the form, meaning, and use of the structure “It was not untill  that ”
- Gives example:
. It was not untill last year this school was built.
. It was not untill this May that she found a job.
 - Asks students to do the exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers.
- Calls some students to read out their answers.
- Provides corrective feedback
- Elicits from students the form, meaning, and use of the indefinite article “a/an” and definite article “the”
1. A / an 
 A + sing. coun. noun beginning with a
 consonant (Eg: a dog, a bag  )
 AN + sing. coun. noun beginning with a vowel (Eg: an orange, an ice cream. )
 NOT A / AN + another determiner 
 ( Eg: my, this )
Meaning: one
Use: Indefinite articles are used to refer to “one of a class”, eg: a book, a dog
2. The
 The + sing. coun. noun 
 The + plural coun. noun 
 The + uncoun. noun 
 NOT The + another determiner 
 ( Eg: my, this )
Meaning: a particular something
Use: Definite articles are used to refer to the things or people we have already mentioned or when it is clear from the situation which people or things we mean.
Eg: She has got a girl and a boy. The girl is 12 years old and the boy is 6 years old.
- Asks students to do exercise 4 individually and then find a partner to check their answers.
- Checks with the whole class and checks that students know why a particular type of article is used in a specific case.
- Listen carefully.
- Listen and repeat
- Read in chorus
- Read loudly. 
- Listen and correct. 
- Work in pairs
- Read loudly. 
- Listen carefully. 
- Take notes
- Read loudly. 
- Listen carefully.
- Take notes. 
- Give examples.
- Listen carefully. 
- Do the exercise individually.
- Go to the board and write the answers
- Listen carefully. 
- Take note
- Do the exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers.
- Listen carefully. 
- Take note
- Do exercise 4 individually and then find a partner to check their answers.
UNIT 13: 
* Distinguish the sounds / f / and / v / 
- Listen and take notes
+When producing these sounds students upper teeth need to touch their lower lips.
+When producing / v / students can feel the vibration if they place their fingers on the voice box but when producing / f / they can not feel this.
- Listen to the words containing these two sounds.
- Listen and repeat.
- Read the words out loud in chorus for a few times.
- Some students to read
* Practising sentences containing the target sounds 
- Work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences on page 139.
- Some students read
- Listen and correct
A competition game
- Play game
Suggested keys:
1.fascinating	6.boring
2.exciting	7.surprising
3.terrifying	8.amusing
4.irritating	9.embarrassing
5.horrifying	10.frustrating
- Take note:
the - ING form has an active meaning
the - ED form has a passive meaning
- Give examples
- Read all the sentences through.
- Do exercise individually
Suggested keys:
A. depressing 
 B. depressed
A. interested 
 B. interesting
A. boring 
 B. bored
A. excited 
 B. exciting
A. exhausting 
 B. exhausted
- Take note the form, meaning, and use of the structure “It was not untill  that ”
. It was not untill last year this school was built.
. It was not untill this May that she found a job.
- Do the exercise
Suggested keys:
1. It was not untill 1990 that she became a teacher.
2. It was not untill he was 30 that he knew how to swim.
3. It was not untill 1980 that they began to learn English.
4. It was not untill his father came home that the boy did his homework.
5. It was not untill the lights were on that the football match started.
- Take note the form, meaning, and use of the indefinite article “a/an” and definite article “the”
1. A / an
 A + sing. c.noun beginning with a consonant (Eg: a dog, a bag .. )
 AN + sing. coun. noun beginning with a vowel (Eg: an orange, an ice cream ... )
 NOT A / AN + another determiner 
 ( Eg: my, this )
Meaning: one
Use: Indefinite articles are used to refer to “one of a class”, eg: a book, a dog
2. The
 The + sing. coun. noun 
 The + plural coun. noun 
 The + uncoun. noun 
 NOT The + another determiner ( Eg: my, this )
Meaning: a particular something
Use: Definite articles are used to refer to the things or people we have already mentioned or when it is clear from the situation which people or things we mean.
Eg: She has got a girl and a boy. The girl is 12 years old and the boy is 6 years old.
- Do exercise 4 
1. a 2. the 
3. the 4. an 
5. a 6. a
7. the 8. the 
9. the 10. a 
11. a 12. the
13. the 14. an 
15. a 16. a 
17. the 18. a
 3. Homework (2 ms)
 - Prepare for Unit 14– Part A
 4. Self-evaluation:

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